
DANI reaffirms Carbon Neutrality commitment

In February last year, DANI took the first key step in reducing the organization's climate impact and achieving its climate action goals by quantifying and reporting on the effects of its activities associated with the emission of climate-altering gases (CO₂ first and foremost) related to the calendar year 2021 and drafting a “Carbon Reduction Strategy” that would make explicit all the steps aimed at a decarbonization pathway.

DANI has thus prepared an inventory of all direct impacts (Scope 1) and significant indirect impacts (Scopes 2 and 3), through the quantification of GHG emissions, following the international standard ISO 14064-1, i.e., the most stringent and comprehensive standard, a guarantee of correctness and completeness of the reported data.

DNV, an independent and accredited certification body, again verified the compliance of reporting for calendar year 2023. The objective of the verification was to find full compliance with the applicable verification criteria-including the principles and requirements of the relevant GHG standards or programs-as part of the assessment related to the organization's GHG emissions inventory-as described in DANI S.p.A.'s GHG Emissions Report Inventory (Organization GHG Inventory Report Rev. 02 of 11/01/2023) and the organization's GHG-related controls.

The audit's outcome highlighted how planned activities and investments have reduced Scope 1 and 2 emissions in general, but especially Scope 3 emissions, by almost 50 percent

Alongside its commitment to progressively reduce emissions, the company has decided to offset direct Scope 1 and indirect Scope 2 emissions by joining two Carbon Offset projects designed and certified by the United Nations. These involve the construction of two small hydropower plants that using the surplus water potential available in Baner Khad and Iku Khad, two tributaries of the Beas River in the state of Himachal Pradesh in northern India, convert the potential energy available in the water flows into mechanical energy (through water turbines) and then into electrical energy (through alternators). 

The updated DANI inventory certificate can be downloaded here as proof of how close the company is getting to the European goal of reducing its carbon footprint and climate change impact and is moving with commitment and perseverance toward becoming a Net Zero economy.