View all16.02.2023
2050 is now. DANI is Carbon Neutral.

Arzignano, February 2023
DANI expands its sustainability journey another step further, this time aiming to do its part in facing climate change by quantifying and reporting on the impact of its activities associated with the emission of climate-changing gases (CO2 in the first place), then drawing up a "Carbon Reduction Strategy" that makes explicit all the steps aimed at a decarbonization pathway with the goal of being carbon neutral, offsetting the remaining shares through certified carbon credits. DANI has prepared an inventory of all direct impacts and significant indirect impacts, through the quantification of GHG emissions, in accordance with the international standard ISO 14064-1, which is the most stringent and complete standard today, a guarantee of correctness and completeness of the data reported. DNV, an independent and accredited certification body, verified the compliance of the reporting for the year 2021. Along with a plan to gradually reduce emissions that will begin in 2023, the company has decided to offset from the outset its direct scope 1 and indirect scope 2 emissions through joining projects designed and certified in developing countries (hydroelectric power plants in Brazil).
In this way, DANI can already assert that it is CARBON NEUTRAL, anticipating the European
target of 2050.
"Sustainability, to be tangible, cannot exempt itself from a genuine measurement of its impacts to then build a strategy of progressive reduction and efficiency, It was 2010 when we began this journey by calculating the environmental impacts of our products and we haven't stopped since then. Although today there is no regulation that forces companies to reduce, zero or offset their greenhouse gas emissions, climate neutrality is a fundamental requirement to stabilize global temperatures." says Sir Giancarlo Dani, who continues: "Without achieving the Net Zero Emissions goal, that is, the total elimination of net manmade greenhouse gas emissions, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere will continue to rise, making it impossible to fight global warming. We at DANI want to make a decisive contribution to reversing the effects of climate change and giving everyone a better future."
"The Verification of an Organization's GHG Emissions Inventory is a process that. DNV conducts as an independent third party in accordance with the requirements dictated by the accrediting body ANAB based on the requirements of the relevant ISO standards." says Francesco Nigro, Assessment Manager Italy at DNV. "Why it is important to prepare its own GHG emissions inventory in accordance with ISO14064 Part 1 and why submit it to thirdparty verification? Accurately measuring emissions is the starting point for developing one's climate strategy, a choice of positioning in order to guide and communicate one's environmental commitment, but above all, a forward-looking choice that aligns the company with the most important changes that are taking place on an international and European scale."
Visioni e strategie green: per il Gruppo Dani il 2050 is now
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