Sustainability Rating 2025: DANI maintains Platinum rating, improving its score by 5 points.

It is with great satisfaction that we report that DANI S.p.A. maintains itself as the only company in the industry to have achieved the EcoVadis Platinum Sustainability Rating.

EcoVadis is the leading sustainability rating platform, the purpose of which is to quantify a company's ability to manage aspects concerning the environment, human rights, ethical principles and sustainable procurement, within the confines of its specific industry.

Since 2018 EcoVadis has supported us in ESG risk management and compliance to achieve corporate sustainability goals and drive large-scale impact, promoting improvement in our sustainability performance and that of the value chain.

What is an ESG rating?

The letter "E" stands for Environmental and covers environmental efforts (renewable energy, energy efficiency, recycling, and waste avoidance, primarily).

The letter "S" stands for Social: how companies treat their internal and external stakeholders (from employees to suppliers, investors to customers).

The letter "G" stands for Governance, an important item because only good corporate governance ensures minimization of managerial and reputational risks and maximization of return in the medium and long term. Sustainability thus becomes an integral part of corporate decision-making processes and strategic plans.

The overall EcoVadis ESG score (0-100) reflects the quality of the company’s sustainability management system at the time of assessment.

Sustainability recognition levels are based on the "percentile" ranking of the company's EcoVadis score and a minimum score for each theme.

The criteria for the scorecards published from January 1st, 2023, are the following:

Platinum - 1% of the best companies (the 99th percentile or higher)
Gold - 5% of the best companies (the 95th percentile or higher)
Silver - 15% of the best (the 85th percentile or higher
Bronze - 35% of the best companies (the 65th percentile or higher)

EcoVadis also operates the first collaborative platform that enables companies to monitor their sustainability performance and all stakeholders who share their scorecards transparently, across 250 industries and 185 countries.

With the Platinum rating from EcoVadis Sustainability Rating 2025, DANI has improved its rating by 5 points by maintaining itself in the Top 1% of the best companies in the EcoVadis global ranking (out of more than 150,000 companies analyzed), which is the 99th percentile, and retaining the Platinum Medal.

"We believe that in a world increasingly oriented toward the development and implementation of sustainable practices aimed at creating wealth, while reducing impacts on the environment and increasing concern for society, adherence to international compliance standards and eco-sustainability principles is increasingly becoming an important competitive factor and an element of value for stakeholders." comments Managing Director Valerio Mazzasette.